SelfStorageMan version 3.01 released

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The latest build of SelfstorageMan is released.

The updated version enhances the day to day experience of the software by giving you more information when log in to help guide your day.

The new home screen displays a list of clients with outstanding balances to help you keep track on a day to day basis. A unit availability list has also been introduced to give visibility on how many units for each particular size you have available.

An enhanced emailing feature has been developed and introduced to help provide better information to the customer. Each type of quotation can now have its own template response and the invoice payment type has also been given the ability to set specific templates per type. This enables a SelfStorageMan user to set their different payment types with different default emails. For example a direct debit customer will get a different email to a paid by return customer and so on.

If you would like more information and a full list of updates please let us know and we can give you an overview of the changes and book you in for an update.