MoveMan Job officially released

Friday, June 7, 2019

The MoveMan Job app for Android devices has been released today. Some great features to remove the need for printed paperwork and boost efficiency.

A new addition to the MoveMan family is MoveMan Job.  This is a new Android based app to allow your crews to review their job sheets via an Android phone and get these signed off by the client.  But don't worry this will shortly be out on iOS as well if you currently use iPhones for your crew.

With MoveMan Job you can…

•   remove the need for printed job sheets
•   remove handwritten notes
•   increase efficiency by removing the need to update the crew at your depot
•   capture signatures and images of item damage at collection and delivery
•   record vehicle defects whilst on the job
•   clock in and out of jobs so you know the times crew are working on-site

The app will work whether the crew have a data connection or not.  You can download all the jobs onto the app via Wi-Fi and then sync the completed jobs when they get back at the end of the day.

If you would like any more info please give us a call.