Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

Enhanced Operating Systems endeavours to manage our daily activities to minimise wherever practicable their effect on the environment. By implementing this policy we are committed to ensuring that we constantly review all of our departments and functions against our environmental performance to ensure that seek to achieve continual improvement in this field. We recognise that this will only be achieved through regular monitoring of our environmental performance against objectives.

Our Environmental Policy commits the organisation at all levels to ensure that we:

  • Identify any risk of pollution arising from any of our activities, products and/or services, which shall, then be either eliminated or effectively controlled to meet or exceed all regulatory requirements relating to the environment.
  • Reduce to a minimum unnecessary use of materials, resources and energy. Reduce to a minimum the environmental effect on all future developments and carry out an appraisal of the environmental effect of sourcing of raw material.
  • Reduce waste to the lowest practicable level ensuring responsible disposal of waste created and received, undertaking environmental audits, measuring the results against established targets.
  • Advocate employee involvement in all environmental matters, providing suitable training and support to all employees with regard to this environmental policy.
  • Ensure that any persons working on our behalf are made aware of and agree to comply with this policy.
  • Seek to ensure that products and/or services supplied or provided by third parties can be used, handled, stored and disposed of in a manner which safeguards the environment and the health and safety of all.
    • Undertake a review of this policy in the light of any new knowledge, changing legislation or public concerns. The steps we have taken so far:
    • Where ever possible we provide remote support to our clients to minimise the effect to the environment of travel to site.
    • We always look to group business trips with other members of staff to make sure that cars are not making separate trips to the same location.
    • We have implemented a policy of working from home for our staff to eliminate the effects to the environment of travelling into the office and adding to congestion levels.
    • Where ever possible we conduct all our business communication via email and do not print out documents unless necessary. All our documents and communications are emailed, such as our quarterly newsletters and invoices, and all our info packs are available on-line for downloading.
    • All our waste is separated in recyclable areas for cans, paper and plastic.
    • The total annual business mileage is recorded and at the end of our financial year the total CO2 carbon offset is calculated at http://www.co2balance.uk.com and an appropriate amount is invested into a Carbon Offset Project of our choosing.
    • All our old equipment is recycled in accordance with WEEE or we seek to donate usable equipment to third world projects to ensure that equipment is put to good use.

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